The simple things in life done exceptionally well, like scrambled eggs with truffles and caviar, now that’s a memorable experience!
Scrambled Eggs with Truffles and Caviar
This recipe from Chef Danielle Dixon is a simple dish with amazing flavours proving that scrambled eggs can be elevated to the divine if you do it right. Danielle’s tip is to use good quality eggs like those from 9Dorf Farms in the Lockyer Valley, produced using sustainable and ethical farming methods. I like to buy eggs from pasture-raised hens.
The Bubble Diva says pair the truffle scrambled eggs with a glass of Pol Roger non-vintage.
Scrambled Eggs with truffles and caviar
serves 2
- 4 free-range eggs (that have been sitting in a jar with your truffle for a few days)
- 40g unsalted butter
- 200ml cream
- Pinch white pepper
- Sea Salt to taste
- Caviar to garnish
- Truffle to grate/slice
- Toasted Brioche to serve
- Melt butter in a pan on very low heat, you don’t want it to bubble
- Whisk together eggs, cream, salt and white pepper
- Add whisked eggs and allow to partially set on a base. Do not allow to colour
- Continue to move eggs around the pan and remove just before they are completely cooked
- Serve on toasted brioche topped with caviar